
About my self

Before commencing my studies in England, I attended a school in Germany for nine years, from Year 1 to Year 9. In the English education system, this corresponds to Years 2 to 10. During the middle of my ninth year in Germany, I made the decision to pursue my education in England. Due to my inadequate proficiency in English and my will to keep improving my English skills, I chose to repeat the year. Following the summer holidays in 2022, I arrived in England in Year 10 to retake the school year and enhance my English skills. As the first term concluded around Christmas time, I decided to continue my studies in England as I found the experience immensely enjoyable.


I began my programming journey approximately two years ago, initially focusing on HTML and CSS as part of my school curriculum. However, after a few weeks, I developed a keen interest in learning JavaScript. My motivation behind this decision was to acquire the ability to create interactive websites through coding. This pivotal moment occurred around the middle of 2022. After several months of learning JavaScript and writing my first program in JavaScript, I also came across Svelte, which is a JavaScript framework that allows component-based programming. Once I delved into learning Svelte for a few weeks, I discovered SvelteKit, which is an extension of Svelte and serves as a full-stack framework. See Skills for a more complete list of my developing skills.